Nathan Laundry's Blog

Hi, I'm Nathan. I'm a Computer Science PhD student with two passions: homelab, and self-improvement. I write about both and some other stuff:

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Code Smells as a Framework for Automated Feedback for Novice Programmers - ICERI2021

[Full Paper Here]( Abstract Students who receive high quality, rapid feedback about their work are advantaged. The absence of feedback within a reasonable timeline can reinforce incorrect learning, instigate student frustration, and ultimately lead to student disengagement. Automated feedback has been shown to be an effective tool that can scale easily to large class sizes and has positive impacts on student learning. Existing feedback mechanisms for computer programmers such as messages produced by compilers and linters are cryptic and not aimed at novice coders. Read more...

Designing, Deploying, and Analyzing Adaptive Educational Field Experiments

SIGCSE 2023 LINK: Designing, Deploying, and Analyzing Adaptive Educational Field Experiments Abstract Digital experiments can be used in CSedu to test hypotheses about interventions and conditions’ efficacy (or inefficacy). This workshop will discuss and deconstruct the design process and analysis for various experiments conducted in CS1. E.g., experiments testing which explanations students find helpful, which emails get them to start homework early, or which webpages effectively encourage and motivate students. Read more...

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