Old Friend
This is a two parter - Return and Scorched Earth The first depicts the terrible calm of a relapse into depression The second is how it feels to weaponize anger to claw oneself out of depression
If I’m being honest, I think the second part is the better of the two lol
## Return ---
Welcome Home
No one warns you
How warmly she welcomes you
How comforting and sober she sounds
They dont tell you
How confidently she lays claim
To the voice of Reason
How gently she wields it
to suggest
Maybe Hope
was never part
of the Real You
She crafts apathy
from the wonders of the world
weaves calm
Out of the viscous black
How terrifyingly peaceful it is
that Depression
feels like coming home
How every time
you wonder
if you’ll ever leave again
Cry Wolf
You never really overcome anxiety
you just learn to doubt yourself
in the most productive way possible
the deep breathing never stills your heart
the counting never focuses your mind
never stops its teasing
You simply learn
that your body
is not to be trusted
when it cries wolf
and you pretend that calm
is a matter of the mind
I’ve always wondered
what I’d do
if the wolf finally came
for that poor
Inside me
Every memory
Every emotion
I’ve ever had
is Screaming
all at once
Make It Stop
It’s so loud
make it stop
There’s no room
in here
For me
Make it stop
it Burns
make it stop
make it stop
make it stop
I need to rest
you haven’t done enough
That’s all I have
it’s not enough
There’s always tomorrow
you’re not enough
I’m trying
Not. Enough.
I’m sorry
Never Enough
never Enough
never enough
Make no Mistake
This isn’t Drive
This is Penitence
Am I supposed to be grateful
To have endured worse
To know I can?
Just because I can survive this
Doesn’t mean I want to.
I’ve been fighting
I’ve been strong
for so long
and I’m tired
What makes rest
so different
from surrender?
Scorched Earth
Hold on
Just a little longer
There’s light at the end of this tunnel
I know
Because I put it there
The last time I pushed through
I’ve personified you
given you form and face
for my sake
as ether
as void
there is only
how you hurt me
as creature
as demon
you can bleed
I can put you to the flames
While you were away
I hardened my body
with Iron
Nurtured my soul
with Hope
Filled my heart
with Love
I gave my life
so that when you came back
to take it
I’d have the weapons to fight
and reason to do so
You’re not a part of me
you’re a parasite
and I am not afraid
to burn all of me
to the ground
to starve you
to smoke you out
of every corner
and crevice
of my mind
It was you
who numbed me to the pain
if it’s us together
on the pyre
I will outlive you
I will rise from the ashes
Wholly anew
Without you
You’ll make such a beautiful
So the next time
The demons of my mind
Grow bold and stupid
You can tell them
How strong I’ve become
How viciously
I will fight
For my life
I watched
how you revelled
in my suffering
the despair of a tired, lonely boy
and I learned
your sadism
I’ve wasted not an ounce
of hatred
not a drop
of cruelty
I stowed it all away
within myself
for you
for your return
Now the bell sounds
for this
our 18th round
Hobble back into the ring
to face what you’ve created
nobody is coming to save you
and I’ve grown your taste
for blood
When the flames
are laid to rest
When this earth is scorched
And cleansed of you
Will I have sacrificed
Too much
at the altar
of Survival?
Will I recognize myself
On the other end
Of this pyrrhic rite?
Will I want to?
How does it feel
to fight a battle
in a war
you’ll never win?
To know your greatest days are behind you?
To have lost to a child at your best
and be faced with a man at your worst?
I pity you
once my greatest terror
now you languish in my shadow
Even your darkness
falls short of mine
prepare your tired arms
and spit your petty venom
just make it quick
you’ve nothing new for me
and I’ve got work to do.
It was a grave mistake
to trespass here
all those years ago
You miserable weary thing
you were never meant
to hold these reins
to steer my life
to carve my path
This has always been
My Mind
and it answers
To Me