Nathan Laundry's Blog

Using A/B Testing as a Pedagogical Tool for Iterative Design in HCI Classrooms

Submitted to EduCHI-2023
Find it Here: PDF


This paper explores the use of A/B testing as a pedagogical tool
for iterative design in HCI classrooms and outlines a vision for
experiment-inspired design. The traditional focus on the statistical
aspects of A/B testing education has meant that the equally crucial
role of iterative design embedded within the experimental process
has not received commensurate attention. By incorporating iter-
ative design learning activities that are scaffolded by A/B testing
tools, HCI students can gain transferable skills and experience in do-
ing multiple cycles of ideation, prototyping, testing, and evaluation,
and simultaneously contribute to continual course improvement.
We reconsider the role of experimentation in HCI education as
a means for exploring complex design spaces. Drawing from our
experience in teaching this approach and conducting education
research involving sequences of online controlled experiments, we
present examples of how to use A/B testing as a pedagogical tool
for iterative design in HCI classrooms