We have IDE at Home -> Vanilla Vim
Vim CLI> The following is a markdown presentation. I use presenterm to render presentations from the terminal.
Vim as a full IDE without Plugins
And you thought it couldn’t be done. Weak!
- You know the basics of how to use Vim
Basic Usability Config
- First we need reasonable config
- this is pretty minimal
" Set your configuration to some reasonable defaults
set nocompatible
" Enable line numbers
set number
" Enable line indenting
set autoindent
set smartindent
" Enable syntax highlighting
syntax on
" Enable search highlighting
set hlsearch
" set clipboard=unnamedplus
set clipboard+=unnamed
Windows, Buffers, Splits
Resizing and managing Windows
ctrl-w Then some stuff
The integrated Terminal
Netrw - your file explorer
Making windows feel familiar
Now we have all the ingredients we need to setup a familar window layout
- File Drawer on the left
- integrated terminal at the bottom
File Drawer with NetRW in a window
vnew | Ex | 20wincmd <
This pipes 3 commands together
- make a new vertical split
- open the NetRW file explorer
- run the wincmd that reduces the width of the panel 20 times
- for some reason you can’t do wincmd 30 < like you can
30 < but hey, we have ex commands repeat thingy
- for some reason you can’t do wincmd 30 < like you can
Integrated terminals
rightbelow sp | 20wincmd - | term ++curwin
Similar to the previous one
- this creates a split below
- reduces its size 20 times
- opens a terminal in the current window (without ++curwin neovim will spawn this in a new split instead of the one we just made)
File Navigation: Links, Find, and Path
Vim has surprisingly great tools for file navigation
Find - :find
setpath +=
Session Management
Takes the current set of buffers, tabs, windows, etc. and saves it as a vimcript where you are
Create asession
load with
vim -S Session.vim